3rd Harvest the Chinese Water Spinach

Today I did harvest the 'kangkung' or Chinese Water Spinach in English from my Hydroponic case. Those who are seedings the Chinese Water Spinach in the hydroponic can follow my tips not to remove all the roots from hydroponic case. You can repeat harvest them by cutting them a little bit higher from the roots (about 2 fingers higher from first branch) then u can see a new branch will grow up from there.

I ask my wife to fried with sambal and dried prawns or 'kangkung belacan' in Malaysia. Sambal is a malaysian chilli made by pounding chillies with a bit of lime and belacan. Belacan is fermented shrimp paste usually sold in a solidly packed rectangular block.

Hurmm..yummi..yummmi...its very delicious but regretly I have a bad ulcer in my mouth and my tounge got ulcer too. So pity...I can't move my tounge so much...:(